FLOOD relief

Early Response Team TRAINING
The Holston Conference Disaster Response Office is offering two opportunities to complete the UMCOR Early Response Team (ERT) Basic Training. This 8-hour course will equip you to safely deploy to disaster sites and assist in the relief phase. Volunteers must be at least 18 years of age, pass a background check, and pay $10 at the door (cash or check) to help cover the cost of training materials, lunch, and the instructor. Registration deadline is Tuesday, October 29. To register:
Complete the registration form by visiting this link.
Request a background check through this link.
Training sessions are offered at:
9:00am, Saturday, November 2 – at Cokesbury UMC, Knoxville, TN, 9919 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN 37922
9:00am, Saturday, November 9 – Rural Retreat UMC, Rural Retreat, VA, 503 Church Street, Rural Retreat, VA 24368
More information is available by contacting Dave Henderson, at disasterresponse@holston.org.