Dawn Bailey
Kindergarten Teacher

Rachel whitten
Kindergarten Assistant
Give your child a wonderful gift that will keep on giving throughout his/her school years: a strong foundation in a Christian environment. There are several reasons why Munsey’s Kindergarten program may be a good option for your child. Some of the advantages include a more individualized education, shorter days, emphasis on community, teamwork and creativity, smaller class size, tremendous staff. The Munsey Kindergarten experience provides your child with an excellent academic foundation for attending public school as well as very positive attitudes toward themselves and learning.
This is a very critical year of transition from preschool to kindergarten. Emphasis is placed on language skills, writing, pre-reading, listening and following directions, and age appropriate math skills. All of these skills combined are needed to meet the curriculum requirements of the State Department of Education. This gives the students a strong foundation for entering elementary school the following year.
Children must be 5 by August 15th to enroll in the Kindergarten Program. After completing the program, children who meet the public school age cut off may move to first grade or repeat Kindergarten if the parent so chooses. If your child misses the August 15th public school cut off, it is to the discretion of the Elementary School that your child will attend whether your child has to repeat Kindergarten or can move on to first grade. There will be 13 children in this class (ratio of 2:13) with the class reporting Monday - Friday with the hours of 8:00 am – 12:30 pm